Antique Wooden Toy Fort Moko Bavaria 1930 Nice antique, wooden toy fort, produced by Moko of Bavaria �??around the 1930s. It consists of a painted wooden �??hill�?? with a ramp up the side. Beneath this is a hinged lid and inside you will find eight painted wooden pieces that make up a walled fort with a tall tower. Some of the pieces are held in place with a pin, that slots in to a hole in the top of the hill. The base measures approx. 30cm x 20cm and stands 9cm tall. The largest piece of the fort is the tower and that measures 20cm tall. There is some scuffing and losses to the paint work on the base �?? as you might expect from a piece of this age, and there is a chip from the wood at the bottom of the ramp, but a lick of paint and this could easily be disguised. It is a fun little piece that would make a super addition to any collection.
© Dream-Tintoys by Moko-Man [2025]